Sunday, January 22, 2006

Oh, the glories...

...of ultimate frisbee.

A group of us went and played some tennis and UF. While going for a fast throw, the disc sliced my middle finger. Okay, so my precious disc was cracked...thanks, guys.

Note: This picture does not accurately depict the real grotesque hand I now find myself possessing.


Brian Sporer said...

That is weird.

Daniel Mann said...

I'm sorries :`( That's a tear falling from my eye.
I guess now you will have to use your left hand. It's better that way.

Truth and Zeal said...

At first, I thought it was a wart, but that just looks pretty nasty. If you blog more, then it will heal faster. :)

Frank Martens said...

YES! Awesome! Taking it in the name of UF! :)

I must say, UF is just downright fun.

Hopefully it was fun except for the slicing the finger part.


stephen said...

You know if it took grotesque pictures of my body parts that would be weird

Unknown said...

ouch!!! Like Frank said, way to take one for UF!!!! I hope it doesn't irritate you too much.